Randy Josleyn

Guitars | Computers | Languages

I’m Randy. I speak Chinese. I teach English in Beijing, China, where I use the power of statistics (corpus linguistics) to give my students special insight into how we actually use English in real life.

I love guitar, although I don’t play as much as I should. I like to write about the things I do on guitar when I practice.

Guitars, Computers, and Languages

I started playing guitar when I was eleven, and I’m now 24. Suffice it to say I’m good at noodling.

About two years ago, I started using linux, and I haven’t looked back. I like being able to customize my daily workflow to make me more efficient at whatever I do. (What really happens is that I spend all my time tinkering.)

So here I am in Beijing, traveling all over the city every day to teach students, playing guitar and messing around with my computer.

You can also find me on these sites:

Hope you enjoy the stuff here!